And why her cervical orgasm is great for both of you!
Most women have never experienced a cervical orgasm, or even know it is possible.
They mostly experience discomfort instead.
Resolving cervical discomfort will awaken the magic of this divine part of woman…
The cervix, that donut shaped gateway between the vagina and the womb is a place of magic. It forms the gateway between the vagina and womb; the genitals and the heart; and between sex and love; love and the divine. It also forms the gateway between the self and the transpersonal, that which lies beyond the ordinary mind.
The cervix is the place where a woman can experience a cervical orgasm of deeply fulfilling pleasure.
It is also where she can experience a cervical orgasm of love, of her divinity.
Such an orgasm leaves a woman truly open, truly receptive, truly blossomed. Soft, vulnerable yet deeply powerful in her womanness. Exuding the divine love of the feminine.
That’s a whole lot of possibilities for such a little space! About 2.2cm or 1 inch long.
The experience described above is a rare, or even non existent one for most women.
But things are changing as the word is spreading. Just as it was once rare for a woman to experience her GSpot, so too is the cervix is coming into its own.
Mostly the cervix just hurts!
It is currently most common for a woman to experience her cervix as that “owy” spot somewhere deep inside her. The spot that is very uncomfortable in full and hard penetration.
The cervix needs time and attention to awaken.
The spot that is swabbed during a vaginal exam whilst a cold speculum lies in her vagina.
This makes her cervix mostly a spot a woman wants to move away from.
Even worse, a woman is likely to “tolerate” this discomfort, rather than ask for it to be changed. Because this is what women are good at.
A man is not necessarily aware of what is going on for her, or what they are both missing out on.
And so she misses out on its possibilities. They both do.
The cervix is not built for direct pressure
In lovemaking the cervix itself is too tender a place to receive too much pressure, or pounding. This is what causes the discomfort. Which leads to the cervix becoming numbed out in order to protect itself from pain. Or being overly sensitised by the pain, making it even more more painful.
There are 2 ways to pave the way for cervical orgasm
One is a practice that a woman can do for herself.
And one that her lover can support her with that will be good for both of them.
Her Practice for cervical orgasm
A woman can heal the numbness and pain in her cervix through her own sexual healing.
It is SO worth it. It is a very empowering and radically self loving way to open yourself to deep pleasure, love and transcendent experiences.
This is done using a crystal dildo, or glass wand, something that she can comfortably reach her cervix with. And her loving presence.
- After creating a safe space, she can deep breathe and spend a few minutes dropping into her body.
- It might take a little while for her to “sense” her cervix.
- She can then gently approach her cervix with the lubricated toy. Going slowly, letting the cervix relax.
- Letting it soften onto the tool, whilst she breathes deeply, exhaling through her mouth.
- If she encounters pain she can breathe and sound it out.
- She can feel the emotions present there.
- If there is numbness she can feel into it and ask it what lies beneath it.
- She may connect with memories of past hurts or times when she missed out on pleasure.
- She only needs to experience whatever is present with love and compassion, allowing it to heal and fill with pleasure rather than pain and numbness.
The number of times a woman needs to do this, for about 10mins each time, is different for each woman. Start x 10 mins daily x 7 days, or second daily, and feel what more is needed. Listen to your body.
For Her Lover to support cervical orgasm
Remember that is vital that a woman is fully aroused before any deep penetration is attempted. (Unlike what is portrayed in porn).
When she’s fully aroused, two sexy ligaments called the round ligaments will come into play. These ligaments attach to the top of the uterus and thread down to the labia majora (the outer lips). Their job is to keep the womb in a stable position, especially during pregnancy.
In lovemaking, when a woman is aroused her outer lips will swell. This causes the round ligaments to tighten and pull the cervix safely out of the way. This means that penetration can happen without the cervix getting too bumped.
It also means her “A” and “P” spots will be stimulated pleasurably by deep penetration. These “spots” are formed at the front and back of the vaginal canal where the cervix slightly protrudes into it. See the yellow circle in the image on the right.
As the lover, you don’t have to worry too much about trying to hit the right “spots”. Instead focus on giving the labia, not just the clitoris, some extra attention before going inside. She will love you for it. You can spend time massaging her A spot, which you’ll find in a similar way to her GSpot, just another 2 or 3 inches 5-7cm further in.
When you’re making love
Once you’re inside, approach the depths slowly. Spend some time going just a little way in and out at first, which stimulates the GSpot area. Then focus on being deeply inside and going slooww, relaxing your hips, moving them around in a circle, rather than thrusting. With those round ligaments tightening, elongating the vagina, you can both feel a delicious sense of being totally filled/totally filling. As you do this, imagine penetrating your woman with your heart as well as your lingam/cock/penis. This can feel incredibly powerful for you, as well as your woman.
Taking it easy
Having this focus on your woman can help you step out of having to rush to your own end. Instead you can enjoy each moment more. And again, she will love you for it. You won’t need to do it like this every time. But the more you do it the more she, and her body, will trust and open with you.
Once this contact is feeling really good then deep, hard thrusting can feel exceptionally good for both of you. Instead of feeling her pulling back and shutting down you will feel her melting, opening and wanting more. And she will feel it too.
And you will have her eternal devotion.
All sorts of magic can happen from here- deep love, erotic wildness, cervical orgasm, transcendent bliss, anything is possible.
Things too hard to put into words…
Anna says
Thankyou for the detailed information, Annette!
Annette & Graeme says
Thanks Anna! I look forward to hearing about how it goes for you…our email is totally private.