If you’re looking to add greater fulfilment, pleasure and connection into your love life check out these topics below:
We love each other but our sex life is boring what can we do about it?
He wants sex, She wants intimacy or vice versa. How can we bring our desires into alignment?
We’re always too tired for sex, what can we do about it?
I want to have an orgasm and I can’t
I want to last longer in sex, how can I?
I want more intimacy in our sex life
How to ask for your needs and desires
Beating Porn addiction with Tantra
I’ve been sexually abused, how can I stop it impacting my sex life?
I/We’d like to learn about Tantra to make life more fulfilling
My sexual performance isn’t what it used to be, what can I do?
Dealing with Menopause- for women
– for men
Enhancing your pleasure with breath
Touching men and women differently
The sexiest organ in your body!
Feeling through sexual numbness
Sex: Just how good is it for you?