Premature Ejaculation is frustrating, but is also a gift…
If you have issues with Premature Ejaculation, (PE) you most likely have never been told that you also have a gift…
The gift is that you’re feeling, very intensely and PE (premature ejaculation) is your subconscious body protecting you from deeper vulnerability, intimacy and surprisingly, even more pleasure.
Premature ejaculation is described as ‘coming’ sooner than you want to, whether this is in 30 secs or 30 minutes.
Our newly released E Book and Book, “Coming Together” has chapters devoted to understanding and resolving this
If your trigger sensitive (PE), you mostly already have one of the most challenging gifts to learn and bring into intimacy with your partner.
Learning Lasting Longer love making techniques with Oztantra, not only will stop Premature Ejaculation in its tracks, but also support moving past numbness and other related issues in sustaining an erection and feeling more pleasure.
Ejaculation and Orgasm are two seperate functions,
Learning this practise of Separating can be challenging to get your mind around.
But try and grasp the concept that simply because they happen mostly at the same time in men, most men believe that when they ejaculate, that they have had an orgasm.
Ejaculation is seperate to orgasm and our surfing the edge practise (described below) will begin to support you in discovering the difference for yourself.
This alone, will significantly magnifying your orgasmic pleasure potential.
In discovering this place in you, which exists in all men, many men are finding out for themselves that they are very much multi orgasmic.
Through these skills, you will also discover the added benefit in learning how to become multiorgasmic
This is why if you have PE, we consider you have a gift, as becoming multiorgasmic is quite close for you, if you choose to learn and believe this is possible.
Contacting us is easy, and recommended, as you will be pleasantly surprised how much difference a short conversation may make, particularly if PE has been an issue in your life.
Contact us either on 1800 TANTRA (or Graeme on 0457 966 696), snapchat or Email us to discuss your needs in a format and at a time that suits you.

Everything you need to learn is included on this page, especially if you desire more for yourself and your relationship.
Our “Surfing the edge” technique, outlined below, also includes several links to more articles, video’s and podcasts for you to read, listen to and expand your own intimate pleasure curriculum.
The Oztantra approach is about learning how to take control of, deepen and significantly increase your sexual pleasure..
Lasting longer is learning how to surf the waves of pleasure…
Let’s put this into perspective for you…
Remember your best orgasm ever, then multiply that pleasurable feeling of intensity by 7 to 10 times,
then imagine holding this feeling for a couple of hours….
And this is all before ejaculation or even penetration…
“This is what all men are capable of achieving. If you’re trigger sensitive, feel numbness or have erectile issues, you are still capable of feeling this much pleasure. Even after prostate surgery, this is still possible for you….”
If you desire to learn more about your potential, our Online course, or a Skype session is a good place to start
Did you know that…
ejaculation and orgasm are actually two separate functions?
Most men who ejaculate quickly or regularly, or experience numbness most likely are only experiencing their ejaculation pleasure (which is still pretty good), which is much less than orgasmic pleasure.
Learning to separate ejaculation and orgasm is about directing your ejaculation energy into orgasmic energy, simply by playing with “surfing the edge” or stopping before the point of no return.
With practise, this will increase your sexual energy combined with the stopping and breathing technique you will soon notice a subtle difference in how your energy circulates.
Ejaculation usually either limits or closes expansion of orgasmic energy flow in the short term.
Learning how to last longer is playing with and expanding this simple technique.
With practise and awareness, your orgasm’s will become more intense and also lengthen and intensify.
This will happen in that space between stopping and going over the edge.
If this sound’s confusing, then a Skype session will certainly help you understand, plus, our Oztantra Online Tantra Course will also give you more of an outline, direction and deeper understanding.
Learning this method does take practise, but it is a definite game changer for you in your lovemaking pleasure.
Your benefits will become apparent fairly quickly and also, learning this Oztantra method will also give your partner more than she ever dreamed possible….
This is how to learn to become multiorgasmic
If you are battling prostrate issues, or simply want to understand what is in it for you in becoming “multi orgasmic”, listen to this Tedtalk via Youtube
You can have as many orgasms as you want?
You can choose if and when you want to ejaculate, and if you choose not to ejaculate is from a place of choice and is deeply satisfying.
You can harness the energy in your ejaculation (which is pure heart energy) into multiple orgasm
If you’re not aware or have learnt these skills, you might be only experiencing 5% of your capacity for pleasure….
The Tantric term for penis is ‘lingam – or wand of light – yes you have a light sabre between your legs – may the force be with you’, and is seen as your path to enlightenment!
Techniques for delaying ejaculation
The following outline will dramatically increase your pleasure and change your relationship with sex as you become more connected to your heart and to Love.
This will also increase your partner’s willingness and desire for lovemaking.
You will also open to greater pleasure and Love, neutralize the pressure to perform and let go of loneliness, fear and shame as you have mastery of your sexual energy flow.
This will resonate in every area of your life.
There are many different techniques to help delay ejaculation. Many of them ask you to dampen your pleasure or hold yourself back, and involve more concentration than connection.
We believe differently.
So how can YOU experience this pleasure?
- By undoing the conditioning you have in your mind and body about how sex should be
- By learning how to invite your heart into sex
- By learning to sustain intense pleasure in your body
- By letting go of your addiction to ejaculation (with the knowledge that you’ll get MORE pleasure rather than less in the long run- you’re not only doing it for HER pleasure, but for YOURS as well)
Addicted to ejaculation…
- For most of your sex life it is likely that you have been doing it in a hurry.
- Historically sex had to be quick in case some wild animal came along to disturb procreation.
- In early adolescence masturbation is usually quick and furtive to avoid the shame of getting caught.
- Same thing with the early phase in a relationship. Then there’s usually a brief period where sex is the main thing on your agenda in your relationship (known as the honeymoon period) and you start to want to last longer.
- Then in midlife you fit sex in quickly before the kids wake up or before you go to sleep at the end of a working day.
- In older age you try to be quick before you lose your erection!
Ejaculating beyond stress release

Boys learn to view ‘coming’ as a way to relieve the pressure of intense feelings or emotions in their bodies.
This method of stress or emotional release is often carried into adulthood.
Part of this is because as a man you feel emotional vulnerability, but experiencing it more internally therefore expressing it differently to women, which is not usually seen or validated..
Your mind and body can be conditioned to this way of being, of getting it up and over and done with as quickly as possible.
So when you have the time and the inclination to want last longer, to experience more pleasure and to give your partner more pleasure, your emotional mind and body can feel like an enemy.
No matter how hard you try, the rush to the end will keep tripping you up.
Fear of intimacy, emotions and being vulnerable is another area of conditioning that interferes with leisurely, pleasurable lovemaking.
Sex without touch and intimacy
Boys are touched less than girls.
Boys generally are hugged less at an earlier age and are taught to be ‘manly’, which usually means denying their emotions.
In this way men are conditioned to cut off from their bodies and live more in their heads.
This is one of the reasons why pornography is so popular- it becomes enjoyable sex with limited intimacy involved.
Limiting emotional awareness also limits the amount of pleasure men can feel.
It’s all energy
Passion is created in the same area of the body as anger and sexuality – the belly.
Men are not taught healthy expression of anger and so suppress it or channel it into aggression.
To suppress one feeling or emotion is to suppress all the others.
Shame and guilt
Men carry a lot of shame and guilt around their sexuality (again as a result of conditioning)
and deny themselves love that can be created.
Many men also carry subconscious guilt and shame about the rape and violence committed against women and other men throughout the history of mankind.
The key to Lasting Longer and stopping Premature Ejaculation, impotence and numbness to become multi orgasmic, is to learn to presence and ease in the intensity of deeper emotional feelings in your own body (and your partners).
Feelings of numbness or frustrations in sustaining an erection all are created by similar emotional blockages.
How to be present with your feelings
Learning to get in touch with and find a healthy expression for your emotions is crucial in learning sexual mastery skills. If you think it is all about technique, then your in for a rude awakening.
You can have the best skill set in the world but still only feel 10% of your capacity for pleasure….
During sex, remove your focus from the goal of getting to orgasm, and also initially from your partner, and be present with what is happening in YOUR body.
Learn what it is that you are actually feeling.
Be sure to let your partner know what you are doing in advance as a sensitive lover will feel the change in focus.
Take the time to slow down and feel. Do less, feel more.
- Deepen your breath into your belly and expand more fully into your chest. Exhale with an ‘ahhh’ sound, resonating down the back of your throat.. Notice how this feels.
- Mentally explore your whole body (not just your cock/lingam ) for sensations.
- Notice and manage your need to ejaculate, and stop before the point of no return. Especially for the first couple of times and simply becoming more aware of your internal process whilst continuing to breathe and relax.
- With practice, and as you feel the ejaculation urge intensify, consciously relax your muscles, take several big, deep breaths in and breathe this intensity up through the centre of your body away from your lingam to help reduce the urge to come. Exhale with an ‘ahh’ sound, then imagine the intensity moving back down though your body.
- The more awareness you place on your breathing and relaxation of your muscles, particularly your pelvic floor muscles or P.C, the more you’re able to manage the urge to ejaculate. This alone will dramatically increase the pleasure you are able to feel in your body.
- As you breathe up the pleasure you may notice your lingam becomes a bit softer. That’s ok, now you can enjoy recreating it!
- You may be aware of a feeling of letting go, of fear or vulnerability in your body as you do this. Just notice whatever happens – allow and don’t judge it. It means your heart is opening. It is vital to become comfortable with these feelings as they are the gateway to increased pleasure and love.
While you are learning, frustrations may arise and its important to realize that this is also part of the process, as these frustrations are motivating you to practice.
Think of your failures as another reason for more practicing!
Start breathing the energy up sooner rather than later eg. at 6 on a scale of 1-10 if 10 is the point of no return.
Then slowly allow yourself to get closer to an 8, 9 or 9.5 as you become more confident in dancing the edge.
When you get into the area of @9, your body can go into rolling orgasms that just flow on and on as you allow them.
Do not hold your breath or tense your muscles. After 9, any tension will create “game over…”
These are the first steps towards harnessing the energy of ejaculation and becoming multi orgasmic. For more keep reading.
Practice on yourself first
It’s helpful to start this practice by yourself, using lots of lubricant and self pleasure. You can focus more easily on your own. Take your time to enjoy your practice and enjoy yourself. This is not about just ‘getting off’.
If you have a willing partner, practice in front of them.
Take it up another notch by asking your partner if you can lay your butt in their lap and have them pleasure your lingam, again with lots of lubricant.
You will need to let them know when you want them to stop moving so you can breathe the feelings up your spine and relax to side step the ejaculation.
Your partner will be thrilled to have you in their hands in this way – powerful and pleasurable yet vulnerable and open hearted.
Take your practice into lovemaking when you feel comfortable with it, as being inside your partner takes the intensity up yet another notch.
A quick final word– Tantric sex is often portrayed as very soft and gentle, which it can be.
It can also be intensely energetic and powerful, as in the multi orgasm stage or when ascending to higher states.
There is no one specific way to be in Tantra, but none of it is for the faint hearted.
It is a man truly empowered in himself that makes love (and life) from this place.
If you would like to learn more see Individual Tantric Sessions to our Men’s Session page, or check out our Tantric Lover Course for more about becoming multi orgasmic….
[…] resistance to learning how to last longer can also be based on not wanting to miss out on your own pleasure. Because much of what is put […]