For those who want the best when they need it, your own private and exclusive support… we will even come to you…!!
(especially if confidentiality is as important as achieving results…)
V.I.P sessions are for those who expect to see results in their personal life.
V.I.P sessions are for those who expect results and support immediately, including the best advice with the best attention with immediate follow up and ongoing support when required.
V.I.P. Sessions, combined with Oztantra’s unique Coaching, take Relationship Counselling to a whole new level of quality, expertise and experience for you.
With V.I.P, not only do you get the best, but it continues after the session is completed with follow up support which is already included with your sessions.
If needed, this included support can be daily for as long as it takes to move through and beyond your speed bumps ensuring your changes really land. This support may be a quick phone or skype check in.
V.I.P sessions will give you what your looking for, when you want it and for as long as it takes…
V.I.P is your own private personal workshop space focused just on you, complete with ongoing support and follow up for when you go home.
V.I.P Sessions are Your Own Relationship Intensive….
V.I.P. Sessions are for those who choose their relationship and themselves as their top priority, demanding highly skilled and focused attention with expect results, complete with the specialist support and advice they believe their relationship deserves.
“Our relationships bring us meaning in life, and one of the main regrets people have when they’re dying are related to the quality of these relationships. They regret that they didn’t make them important enough….”
V.I.P Sessions and Sex….
Especially with sex, and especially if sex has become a chore, lost its sparkle or is out of balance in your relationship. Annette and Graeme have the skill, experience and integrity to meet and support resolution to any sexual issue or desire that may be happening for you.
And if your up for the good stuff, like bringing some tantra into your life, contact us for a confidential and free conversation and see for yourself…, and men, If you desire to learn Tantric Lover skills, then ask how this can work for you and your relationship.
Imagine how it could be for you in having the time and support to really dive deep into your relationship desires, discovering what is holding you back from achieving them, and having your own private focused relationship experts with you during this time?
And, while your gaining clarity, resolution and learning new skills, but most importantly developing your plan for moving forward.
Choosing V.I.P is the perfect way to achieve resolution to any major stumbling block you may have in your relationship and making this your top priority in creating a healthy, vibrant and sustaining way of life.
If you choose to keep your business profile and your personal life separate, we can support you in achieving your desires and protecting your confidentiality.
Call us TOLL FREE 1800 TANTRA (826 872), email link and ask what we can create with you….
This is what an Oztantra V.I.P session can offer.
Often in the daily struggle of life we can just feel like there’s no time for ourselves and our relationships, important though they are.
In the meantime our desires get lost along the way and we find ourselves existing rather than living.
We can end up looking at that person across the dinner table (if we’re lucky enough to have them there) and thinking who is this stranger?
This is possibly the beginning of something new and potentially awesome in every way. Don’t waste this opportunity…
Or perhaps you’re feeling bored in the bedroom and sex has become a chore that you try and put off as long as possible.
And when it does happen there is the relief of not having to go there again for a while.
But in our heart of heart this isn’t what we want either.
If we’re honest with ourselves what we want is to feel some real connection and magic again, that lifts us out of ourselves and makes the day glow a bit stronger.
Simply with the introduction of some basic tantric techniques, and a new perspective of what you’re capable of will introduce a whole new world into your bedroom..
Or maybe we are just feeling stuck with an old problem that keeps raring its head that we’d really like to shift and get a new burst of energy happening in our lives.
V.I.P sessions are highly specialized and focused time just for you..
Where you receive individual attention from us, on the topic of your choice, over a FULL DAY (with time out for breaks) either face to face, or in your home via Skype
They’re designed with you to focus directly on what your particular area of interest or concern is, to dive deep and come out with the pre determined results you desire.
Your interest may be in spicing up your bedroom with some new couples tantra skills , for tantra sessions for men and tantra sessions for women or simply a desire to connect with and heal some deep hurt from your past with a breath work session.
We can work individually or with both of you as required.
Because we work as a couple, men and women are understood in their desires and relationship frustrations.
Oztantra V.I.P delivers results, skills and achievement for those who choose to give their relationship top priority and are seeking to really develop their “relationship sweet spot”.
If you’re curious about your sexuality and desire to learn more about yourself and how to bring that into your relationship, then V.I.P sessions are perfect for you. You will be amazed at how much more of you is accessible through your sexual heart connection, and how you can learn this inside your boundaries. We can teach you while we all are remaining fully clothed and not touching, and with lots of laughter from de shaming our sexuality….
A V.I.P session is specifically designed to meet you and your partner where you’re at in this time in your relationship life.
V.I.P sessions will focus on what you’re looking for, whether it is in the form of communication skills, healing deep hurts such as sexual abuse, abandonment or rejection.
You may be seeking specialised support to repair past or current hurts, or simply trying to step back from the brink of disaster. What is important here, is that deep healing with tantric sex happens while you’re having a really fun time…..
You may also be seeking what’s next for you- more fun, connection and laughter.
You may also be seeking more and deeper connected lovemaking, re igniting your spark with tantra techniques that you suspect are there, but just can’t quite light it up…
Your V.I.P session is designed with you, to meet you exactly where your looking for improvement, growth or healing.
Oztantra’s Annette & Graeme are highly skilled professionals experienced in relationship sexuality. With Graeme’s extensive business life experience, combined with Annette’s extensive health services experience will provide you with a highly specialised and unique whole of life experience. No issues will be left un resolved….
For men,
If you’re having issues with your sexuality, such as being numb, trigger sensitive or can’t maintain an erection, we can introduce you to skills that will open your multi orgasmic pathway.
We teach you and your partner sexual healing skills that can bring a new level of fun and intimacy into your relationship.
We teach these skills in a fun way that fully respects your relationship integrity and boundaries.
If your in business or have work issues, then we have the professional skills and experience to help you reach a desirable outcome.
For women,
We support you in gaining a stronger sense of self, opening your heart in a way that empowers you, connecting with your sexual power and pleasure.
We can work with you in unravelling your sexuality in a way that connects you and your sexuality with your heart, that opens the door to what lies beyond pleasure, maybe for the first experiencing healthy orgasm..
We work as a couple, with both couples and singles which makes us not only unique, but also highly effective in achieving sustainable results from each session.
Session Format….
Sessions can look a variety of different ways, from our physically being in your own home, via Skype, to you having a holiday in beautiful Byron Bay with sessions interspersed through your holiday, to a weekend intensive to a week long in a luxurious international retreat.
We are flexible in how we can support you in this space.
Your confidentiality is of paramount importance to us.
With you, we can create exactly what you’re looking for….
Call us TOLL FREE 1800 TANTRA (826 872), email link