This is an easy to find list of some of the articles available on this website
10 tips for more connection with your partner
Anal play
Dealing with Porn addiction
Breathwork Sessions
Chakra’s and your relationship
Cobra Breath
Couples Tantra Sessions
Couples Ultimate Getaways
Creating Synergy
Creating Safety
Death of Sex
Depression…making light of it
Domestic violence
Ecstacy unveiled
Emotional Intelligence
Ending a Relationship
Female Sexuality
Finding gold in your shadow
Healing sexual abuse
Healing trauma
Healthy orgasm
Hot sex topics
Lasting Longer in sex …. for men
Tantra prevents boredom in the bedroom
I can’t get it up anymore
I don’t love you anymore
I was sexually abused (Graeme’s personal journey)
Learning Tantra
Principles of tantra
History of Tantra
Tantra massage
Learning to feel
Managing premature ejaculation
Letting go of the past
Lingam healing
Maintaining your sense of self
Sense of masculinity
Mismatched libidos
More intimate sex
Multi orgasmic man
Our sex life is boring
Private couples retreat
Recreating the spark
Relationship Apathy
Relationship Communication
Detox your relationship
Relationship Juice
Reuniting sex and love
Separating ejaculation and orgasm for men
Sexual healing
Sexual surrogacy
Succulent steps for your relationship
Tantra is saying YES
What is a Tantric Lover
Tantric Meditations
The Art of Relationship
Self Pleasuring
The kids have left home
The power of reverse polarity
Too tired for sex
Top tips to reignite the spark
We can’t stop fighting
What is tantra
What is tantric sex really like
What is in Tantra for me
Woman to woman
Yoni healing