Oz Tantra is a specialist relationship resource for people of all ages and demographics, who desire the most from their relationship life….
Oztantra is for those who are seeking to create deeply loving, intimate, fun, pleasurable, fulfilling and life long relationships.
Oztantra are unique, because we specialize in working at depth with long term couples passionate about creating connection for the long run.
At Oztantra, we offer a range of unique opportunities for people across Australia and the world to learn about and enjoy more of each other and of life.
We inspire people through webinars, blogs, Skype and face to face counselling/ coaching sessions, workshops, retreats and other unparalleled experiences like Ultimate Couples Getaways and Date Nights.
Comprehensive follow up support is included in all fees regardless of your location. Whatever level of learning you are looking for we can accommodate- starting with a simple phone call or email to see what is possible!
Annette & Graeme Are in a Long Term Relationship
Annette & Graeme, a long term couple of 16 yrs and self confessed relationship junkies, found relationship with each other after previous long term marriages ended and wanted to work out what happened so they could prevent recreating the past.
They soon discovered that healthy sustainable relationships involve a lot more than just good communication skills.
As their own relationship developed they took on Oz Tantra and developed a more holisticly unique and downright juicy approach to relationship.
Oz Tantra supports people in exploring intimacy, love and sexuality in their relationships, offering ways for couples to move beyond their stuck points and create more fun, fulfilment and meaning.
Not to mention offering the skills and understanding to create hot, passionate and truly satisfying lovemaking! In other words we offer the whole relationship package.
Unique Masculine and Feminine Combination
Annette and Graeme, with their unique feminine and masculine approaches, allow both men and women to feel equally valued and supported in their learning process.
They bridge mainstream and alternative therapies, specialising in emotional intelligence with a background in counselling plus world recognized training in Tantra.
For those couples with strong religious convictions, Annette & Graeme meet and respect your requirements and provide safe, respectful and intuitive learning space.
This is a unique and powerful offering, giving couples a solid framework to grow and discover more of themselves in.
Annette & Graeme believe their marriages ended mainly due to a lack of understanding and skills in creating the connection they believed was possible.
From this new beginning they’ve developed a passion for learning what is needed to bring light into the darkness of each relationship and have a good time while they’re at it!
They made the giant leap in giving up their previous careers in nursing and farming/civil contracting in western Victoria to become nationally recognized relationship specialists- counsellors, Tantra practitioners and workshop facilitators from Northern NSW- no small feat.
Oztantra was founded in 1988 and with Annette & Graeme from 2005
Oz Tantra was originally founded in 1988 by Oceana and Icarus of Byron Bay. In 2005,in a unique and highly successful succession they chose Annette & Graeme to continue and expand the existing workshop business to include more of the online and individual services people across the country look for today.
At Oz Tantra, Annette and Graeme know how challenging relationships can be. They understand and empathise with you when you’re feeling frustrated, time poor and struggling to create balance between work and home, family and each other.
And that you’re dealing with the unresolved hurts and walls that develop in any relationship whilst still hoping to fulfil your long held dreams.
At Oztantra, we want to support you in making your dreams come true in a way that stands up to reality.
When our clients achieve the loving relationships they desire (and become raving fans) their successes look something like this…
From Robyn, NSW ‘…
The benefits we’ve gained have been beyond our greatest expectations, resulting in a deepening and strengthening of our relationship from the sexual right through to the spiritual. Annette and Graeme are very down to earth people who are gifted at helping others move at their own pace through relationship growth. I’ve found out what it means to be fully present in life, relationship and love.”
Or if you would like to know about more personally who Annette and Graeme are click here for more
Or speak to Annette or Graeme today about how to take the next step forward in your life or relationship.
Phone 1800 TANTRA (826 872) or contact us here .