No, this is not a trick.
It really works!
Surprisingly the key to accessing a woman’s unlimited female pleasure isn’t found in a woman’s genitals, or even in her mind- the key lies in her breasts!

Breasts- no matter what shape and size they come in, represent the positive expression of a woman’s heart energy.
And they are the most powerful pathway to her sexual pleasure.
For when her heart energy is fully flowing a woman opens into love and trust.
Fully energised breasts spill their heart energy down into her genitals, opening them into deeper receptivity and capacity for pleasure (even if the breast(s) have been removed the energy is still activated through touching the skin here).
Massaging a woman’s breasts also helps regulate her endocrine system, stimulating her natural oestrogen supply, so it’s especially important during her menopausal years. This massage can minimise the risk of lumps, bumps and breast cancers so it’s great to do for health reasons alone.
Most excitingly breast massage actively increases a woman’s feelings of self-love and nurturing; activating her vaginal lubrication and turning her into one heart open, sensual and down-right sexual being…
This pathway to pleasure is often left under explored due to the ignorance of its power.
A woman’s breasts often receive none, or just a few seconds attention on the way to the main event- her genitals.
Or her lover might give them lots of attention but it is for his enjoyment rather than hers.
A woman herself might rarely touch her breasts (except for a functional check for lumps), expecting her man to do it for her rather than taking the initiative and doing it for herself.
Breast attention is a beautiful way to build trust and love between lovers.

It’s an equally beautiful way for a woman to love and open to herself.
Steps to Awaken Pleasure Through a Woman’s Breasts
This practice can be done by you or with your lover.
- Begin with rubbing your hands together and energising them with heart energy.
- Place your hands over your breasts, spreading your fingers widely to encompass as much of them as you can fit. Just hold your breasts feeling the warmth from your (or your lover’s) hands penetrating the breast tissue. Breathe deeply and slowly into your breasts.
- Focus your mind on your breasts, feeling their fullness (no matter what size or shape your breasts are they will all feel this fullness given the chance). Spend at least 5 minutes here.
- Allow any feeling present to move through you on your breath, even if it starts with numbness, nothingness, shame (wrongness), sadness, anger etc.
- Once your breasts feel warm and full use your fingers and palms to circle your breasts in a clockwise direction for 1 minute, then circle in an anti-clockwise direction for another minute (avoid the anti-clockwise direction if you have a history of lumps or cysts as this can encourage them to grow, just repeat the clockwise stroking).

- Allow your hands to brush over your nipples at times but with no intention to arouse, relaxation and opening is the key.
- Then stroke in an infinity symbol around and between both breasts, smiling to yourself as you do so for 1 minute.
- Before touching the nipples directly stimulate your sexual energy by squeezing and releasing your pelvic floor- squeeze inhale, release exhale. As you inhale imagine the energy rising up your central energy channel to your heart and to the centre of your brain.
- Stroke your nipples from the outside in- begin with the areola around the nipple itself, which can tolerate quite a firm touch. As you move to the nipple stroke lightly then as this feels pleasurable slowly increase the firmness, being guided by how good it feels (you might want to lubricate them a little if desired).
- Remember to continue to contract and release your pelvic floor as above.
- Continue for 5-10 mins, as feels right to you, there is no goal to end with firm massage, listen to your body and take it one step at a time.
- Complete with just cupping your breasts, noticing how your whole body is feeling and smiling.
Do this practice a few times and you’ll notice your sexual response, and even your response to your partner change significantly (even if you do the practice by yourself).
You’ll feel more nurtured, loved, abundant and safe which means energised and turned on- to life, love and your partner.
It’s a win/win/win offering!
Just love what you do, the authenticity with which you approach a subject others never experience the true depth and joy of.
With much appreciation,
Thankyou John.
Thankyou for a beautiful, clear, loving description 🙏💜