How can we recreate the spark in our relationship?
Everybody knows, it’s automatic for the spark of attraction between two people to fade over time.
But actually it’s not. The instant, effortless attraction, where you hang on each others’ words, can’t keep your hands off each other or spend a minute apart definitely does fade. This is because the attraction has done it’s job- it’s got the two of you into relationship.
What happens next becomes more of a choice. How do we nurture our connection, how much energy do we put into going deeper with each other? Or do we let the connection dull into routine, taking it and each other for granted? Do we fall into the default roles of husband/wife/partner/parent and not give our relationship as two unique individuals the space it requires to grow?
Do we make excuses for finding time together? Or believe that scheduling sex into the calendar is somehow wrong because it’s not spontaneous? When before we were settled the idea of having a date to look forward to made it so very exciting to look forward to?
Are we more attached to keeping our walls of protection up rather than opening ourselves to the gift of committed relationship, allowing it to strip us away until nothing is left but the love that we already are. That feeling that we have in the beginning of relationship, where we feel totally open, loved, loving and desiring can be even more powerful further into the relationship. All we need is to be willing.
There are so many things we can do to put the loving, pleasurable spark back if we’re open to trying…
We explore these and many others at our relationship changing couples retreats…