Are you aware that not only do you have a choice to cum or not, but by simply choosing to delay cuming (ejaculation) you will significantly intensify your orgasmic pleasure?
This is not about changing how you have sex, but about getting much more pleasure out of your current experiences.
Because, orgasmic pleasure and ejaculation pleasure are two very different pleasure experiences.
And because ejaculation and orgasm mostly happen together, most men accept that they are the same experience.
They are very different pleasure experiences.
And when you’re cuming too quickly, or with the intention to “get it over and done with” you greatly reduce your levels of experienced orgasmic pleasure.
Long term porn users really get sucked into this one which even further reduces their sexual pleasure.
Porn plays men right into this addiction to ejaculate, which is an addiction that most men experience at some time in their life to varying degrees.
Ejaculation and orgasm are two very different and separate experiences and functions.
It is not unusual for men to feel mostly their ejaculation pleasure because if “cuming” arrives too quickly or is forced they experience very little of their true orgasmic potential.
By delaying ejaculation you will greatly enhance their potential for true orgasmic intensity.
On the other side of this equation, if a man experiences sexual numbness (where he can be hard for a long time and not feel that much) he also misses out as it requires ejaculation intensity to heat up his orgasmic pleasure.
This is also true for a man who has trouble getting or maintaining an erection.
Ejaculation energy or intensity is their fire that greatly enhances not only orgasmic energy and intensity for pleasure but creates and sustains their erections as well.
Surfing the edge
Choosing to delay ejaculation shifts your orgasmic energy from simply ejaculation into intense orgasmic pleasure.
Dancing close to the edge or “surfing the edge” is the name of this game and then choosing not to ejaculate.
Takes practice as well.
If you can already make love for a long time and are wondering where you’re at, checking is easy.
At any time during sexual pleasure make a choice to cum and if it takes longer than 10 seconds then you’re “dancing“ too far from your edge and not fully experiencing your orgasmic “heat”.
Meeting and Harnessing the Power of Tantric Sex
Consciously choosing to “surf the edge” creates heat and orgasmic pleasure and the skill is in harnessing your ejaculation energy, not closing it down, instead increasing its intensity and directing that energy into full bodied orgasm.
The skill in this place is owning your ejaculation as pure heart energy.
As by increasing your orgasmic intensity you will also increase your open hearted connection in you, and with your partner. (ask her how she feels about this…)
In this place of harnessing your ejaculation energy and choosing not to ejaculate will dramatically increase your sexual pleasure and life force energy from a heart connected place.
This is also the beginning of becoming multi orgasmic because when you choose not to ejaculate, your orgasmic experience goes through the roof.
And not just the usual small blips but 100’s of full bodied deeply intense orgasm’s that can last for as long as you can stay open hearted and connected in your body.
In this heart connected place you are not losing energy (as is often quoted by many theorists about coming) but accessing by creating more .
In this place, it is your personal choice of if you complete with ejaculation or not, and if you don’t, there is a deep feeling of completeness and aliveness that is beyond words.
If you do choose to ejaculate, the experience is totally different to “normal” ejaculation and can be as is if you are connecting with your source or soul.
In my personal opinion, learning tantric sex is about creating, harnessing and recirculating your life force energy.
With this practise, there is no right or wrong in how often you may ejaculate or if you need to at all.
It is a personal choice and your body will tell you what is right for you, regardless of your age.
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