Tantric History
Tantra is an ancient eastern spiritual tradition of principles, rituals and techniques for cultivating a conscious life- both in and out of the bedroom, although the bedroom is what we tend to focus on in the west; Tantra has its roots in several major spiritual traditions including Hinduism, Buddhism and Taoism, as well as being the birthplace of Yoga. Tantra has a known history going back at least 7000 years, far longer than any of the religious/spiritual practices popular in the world today. For as long as humans have wondered about the mystery of existence, and stood in awe of the primordial power of their sexual nature we have sought to understand it.
Tantra is unique among religious beliefs
With spiritual practices in honouring sexual and life force energies

Tantra is the honouring of the sacred union of male and female energies.
Whether as man and woman, or uniting the masculine/feminine energies within ourselves as a pathway to oneness.
Where we no longer feel separate or alone and can be described as experiences of Bliss, meeting the Divine or Infinite Love- where sex, love and spirit become one. This requires the surrender of the ego into the heart, it takes practice, understanding and courage.
Tantric History
Tantra is an Eastern tradition focusing on the connection between health, sexuality and higher consciousness has a long history.
Tantra yoga is the sexual path, a system of rituals and practical techniques which use the most powerful creative energy in our body/mind system, that of sexual passion, to propel one into higher states of consciousness. This creative energy is the capacity for two individuals to mate and create another life form and is the original form of nuclear fusion.
In its transition to the west since the 70s Tantra has been offered in many and varied ways, depending on the teacher from the intellectual to the profane. There are four forms of Tantra
– White Tantra, a purely esoteric practice working with sex as energy through meditation, using

breath and visualization, to seek the divine through enlightenment and is practiced as an individual.
– Red Tantra includes white tantric practices and includes working with the physical body using sexual techniques with another.
– Pink Tantra is the most common form in the west, it includes both white and red practices, and is focused on the couples relationship and devotional practices bringing sexual energy through the heart.
– Black Tantra which uses sexual energy practices to manifest changes outside the practitioner, in others and in the environment and is largely out of favour nowadays.
Oztantra uses a combination of white, red and pink tantric practices in our teachings.