What comes to mind when you think of making love?
Is it connection, sensuality, pleasure, excitement, orgasm, release or something else?
Is it one or two of these things, or all of them? 
Do you even call it making love? Or for you is it having sex, getting laid, rolling in the hay, even hiding the banana in the fruit salad? Apparently there are over 400 different words we have for this one act and what you like to call it can give you some clues as to the layers in it for you.
Think about it, no matter what you call it or do with it, making love is a multilayered ritual going on all around the world, in each country, city and town in each moment and has been since the beginning of time, no other human ritual is as primal as this one.
Here we identify the many layers that make up making love so you can see what is in it for you right now and what else you might like to explore:
The 9 layers of Lovemaking:
- Arousal is the awakening of your physical sexual response- that hot, tingling, aliveness in your body, commonly accompanied by body tension.
- Desire- the strong feeling of wanting to make love that can come from a thousand different places, often varying each time ie. the desire to feel pleasure, connection, wanted, ravished, to take or be taken, nurtured, loved, released etc.
- Eroticism: the actions intending to arouse sexual desire.
- Sensuality is gratification of the five senses- sight, sound, smell, taste and touch, which can involve sexual pleasure but is not limited to it.
- High states of arousal can equally be found in high levels of relaxation when activated by the breath.
- Emotional connection though the sharing of intimacy and love within sex.
- Polarity play between masculine and feminine energies of action/dominance/penetration and beingness/surrender/receptivity.
- Orgasm is where sexual pleasure rises to a peak, explodes and then subsides, with or without pelvic floor muscle contrations. During the explosive peak there is an experience of “little death’ or loss of the Ego rational mind, a moment of freedom from the idea of Self.
- Transcendence where we go beyond the conditioned mind into a spiritual like state of freedom, being or bliss.
How would you choose to bring in new layers to what you’re currently experiencing?
If you would like some support in doing so contact us here and begin the conversation about what might be possible!