People get into Tantra for many and varied reasons:
As you can see Tantra is multi-dimensional and has much to offer those seeking healing in their relationships, intimacy and sexuality. Some of the reasons people choose Tantra are:
To acknowledge our sexuality
This may be as simple as giving ourselves permission to have sexual feelings without making them wrong, allowing ourselves to experience total, blissful happiness, with fully alive bodies. This allows us to reclaim a part of ourselves which we may have kept hidden in ignorance, fear, guilt, shame or in the need to perform.
Many people describe the experience of bringing their sexuality out of the closet as a coming home to who they really are, of becoming ‘whole’.
To enhance lovemaking
Understand sex good for you as it reduces tension and stress, produces chemicals that enhance bonding and wellbeing, boosts immunity, keeps you fit, stimulates hormonal balance, with pleasure reducing chronic inflammation- the source of many disease processes. But it takes a minimum of 30mins for us to get the full benefits of these hormonal shifts so become a master of your sexuality rather than a slave. In learning the ‘secrets’ of tantric sex, including the Cosmic Cobra Breath, participants learn to make love for longer through a combination of relaxation and arousal rather than just stimulation, allowing greater pleasure, intimacy and heart connection. Stop performing and start enjoying.
Men learn to slow down, eliminating performance anxiety, whilst containing their energy and building to a greater level of intensity and pleasure. Women learn to relax and open, taking the time to let go of their social conditioning not to feel sexual, and enjoying their innate capacity for ecstasy. Sex at this level is healing for the body, mind and soul.
To heal relationship problems
Tantra involves learning skills in trust and intimacy, to allow ourselves to be really seen by our partner. It involves being fully present with them, communicating with our hearts open, our egos dissolved, and seeing them as an aspect of the Divine. Couples learn how to be real with each other and find the magic in this, rather than looking for the unsustainable Hollywood fantasy. We also look at integrating our masculine and feminine aspects and as we consciously play with these polarities our capacity for love and pleasure is deepened. We believe this is one reason to seek and maintain a conscious, committed relationship both with ourselves and our partner. Our couples only Ecstasy and Intimacy Retreat supports couples to experience greater levels of connection, joy, love and pleasure.
For Personal Growth
Tantra begins with love of the self. Any doubts, fears, guilt or shame we may have about ourselves manifest in the body as emotional energy blocks.
These blocks include our core issues – our childhood wounds and limiting behaviour patterns.
Intimate relationship and sexuality are both powerful pathways to our wounded Inner Child who unconsciously controls our adult selves, keeping us in fear and contraction, limiting our capacity to relate in a healthy manner. When we heal our Inner Child they can be a never ending source of spontaneity and fun, a real bonus to creating lively relationship and rewarding sex!
In Tantra we work with clearing the emotional energy pathways of the body by bringing awareness to these issues and allowing them to heal. This practice enhances our capacity for self acceptance and love and opens us to more opportunities to experience bliss.
For Spiritual Growth
As it becomes more apparent that the satisfaction of our material desires does not bring us more peace, love and true contentment, more and more people are seeking to experience that which is beyond the material.
Practicing the four principles of Tantra:
- coming into the present moment
- opening our hearts
- dissolving our attachment to our ego and
- merging with the Divine within
This allows us to have a direct experience of our spirituality, opening us to love, happiness, gratitude, intuition and wisdom. We feel the magic of our life force energy more readily, creating opportunities for bliss – both in lovemaking and in life.
Regular experiences of bliss allow us to approach life with gratitude and enthusiasm, motivated by love rather than fear. Our Weekend Workshops [insert link] assist with more awareness and skills for Tantric lovemaking.
For improved Health and Wellbeing
Tantra takes a holistic approach, encouraging deep breathing, relaxation, meditation and clearing of emotional energy blocks in the body. The result is decreased stress levels and consequently the decrease of many stress related illnesses. Making love on a regular basis is widely believed to have significant health benefits.
More effective communication and intimacy skills result in more resilience in relationships. Improved self esteem results in a greater level of self efficacy. Living in the present moment where life actually happens makes life more vibrant and facilitates the making of conscious choices.
More experiences of happiness and gratitude allow us to become more accepting of ourselves and others.
There is much to be gained in a closer look at your sexuality. It is a lifelong love affair.