Your Yoni Holds So Much Power
It might sound hard to believe.
Yet it’s true.
Your Yoni.
She is your divine sacred space.
Your pathway to the exquisite, the infinite, magical, pleasure you were born for.
She offers you a path to personal empowerment, wisdom, joy, solace, healing, meaning, fulfilment,
even connection to the cosmos.
Even if you’ve been taught all your life that your Yoni is something to be ashamed of.
In feeling connected to, and at home in her, sex becomes deeply satisfying.
And so much more.
Self judgment and self doubt fall away.
Love and trust grow.
Pleasure expands and deepens.
Magic happens.
But first she needs a voice. And someone to listen.
The My Yoni Speaks Journal (seen above) is an offering from my Yoni (and my heart) to yours.
It is an opportunity to connect, listen, discover, love, live and grow together.
Yoni Speak is something that I first learned from tantra, and over the years it has become my bible for discovering more of myself, for loving more of myself and being more of the woman I am.
It might sound impossible.
I assure you it IS possible.
As women from across the world and that I have worked with have found out…
It just takes YOU to take a step.
My Yoni Speaks Guided Journal is
available on
In both black and white, and colour (colour only from the US)
You can also learn about Yoni Speak at my upcoming retreat:
My Yoni Speaks Retreat
My Yoni Speaks is a Free 3 Day Online Event to explore the intuitive wisdom of your Yoni.
This event runs online daily x 3 days @11am AEDT Daylight Savings Time (6pm PDT).
Discover for yourself how connection with your Yoni can enhance sensuality, give access to your inner wisdom, personal power and the Yoni’s intrinsic magic.
The Yoni is a much undiscovered and underused resource in our lives. This retreat will reveal how it’s a pathway to a more loving, fulfilling and rock solid relationship with ourselves.
This interactive retreat will offer the opportunity to discover how fully embodying your sensuality allows you access to your innate Yoni wisdom- for connecting with one is connecting with the other.
The retreat includes meditation, breathwork and simple sensual exploration practices so you can see for yourself how experiencing your Yoni automatically enhances self love, self compassion AND self empowerment.
Your Yoni is the voice of feminine power down the ages!
There will be a special offer just for the attendees of this event, so don’t miss out!
You will be emailed learning material for the event.
You’ll love joining others in discovering the juicy power that lives within them.
Be ready to have your world rocked (in a good way)
when you discover the power that lives in your Yoni.
Next Retreat Dates TBA
To register your interest email Annette HERE
And if you would like to join the My Yoni Speaks Facebook Group