How do we let go of past relationship issues
That are still hurting us now?
You love each other but somehow the gap remains between you. The gap that should be in the past but somehow won’t stay there. Perhaps one of you had an affair, gambled money, maybe even hit or abused the other. You think you’ve resolved it but the lack of trust is still there. Or perhaps you’ve buried it and hoped it would go away but it just isn’t.
The reason some issues just won’t go away is because they’re stored inside us and like a cancer growing they need to be healed. In fact unresolved emotional hurts can actually become cancers. Big hurts need to be healed at all four levels: at the level of mind with understanding. At the level of the body with feelings that need to be felt. At the level of the heart with forgiveness to be found. Even the level of spirit and finding the gift within the hurt.
Letting go of the past helps us move on.
To learn about more about why we hurt each other read on