A very special night out just for couples
Where we help you make it happen!
Commencing in Melbourne Oct 24th 7-9.30pm
From uninspired… 
To this!
We’re told that to create a truly satisfying relationship
it is important to spend ‘quality’ time together.
Yet in the busyness of life our time for our relationships so often gets put in the too hard basket!
Oztantra are offering a unique opportunity for you to create some fun, nurturing yet meaningful (and hot!) intimacy that really works, for both of you!
A Date Night where you’ve made the time for each other
Instead of just going for dinner and talking about work or the kids, going to a movie to chill but not really connect then home for a sleep or some less than exciting sex…
Or even if you are just getting to know each other this night can take you to a whole different level of relating.
You’ll get to experience really relaxing, getting present and enjoying each other feeling
the magic arising between the two of you in a way it mightn’t have for years!
You’ll also get some lovemaking tips to take home with you and some understandings about relationship that might just rock your your world(in a good way!)
All you have to do is show up and we’ll do the rest…
Annette & Graeme, Oztantra facilitators, relationship counsellors and sex coaches for over 10 years will do the rest for you in a heart centred, respectful (and clothes on!) yet fun way.
Date Night in Brisbane:
Date: TBA
Time: 7.00-9.30pm
Venue: Newmarket Brisbane (venue given on booking)
Fee: $110 per couple
Includes a succulent tasting plate to share and a take home goodie bag to the value of $25!
Date Night in Melbourne:
Date: Oct 23rd 2015
Time: 7.00-9.30pm
Venue: Melbourne (venue given on booking)
Fee: $110 per couple
Includes a succulent tasting plate to share and a take home goodie bag to the value of $25!
Book here and we will be in contact with venue details.
Or Ph 1800 TANTRA or email here for any questions you may have.