Individual Tantra Sessions for Women – individually, or with your partner
Access loving, supportive, informed and creative guidance to help you gain greater clarity and understanding of what might be happening for you in your sexuality, relationship or any life challenge in the ease, comfort and privacy of your own home via ph or Skype.
Our Oztantra Online Tantric Relationship Course will teach you these skills in the privacy of your own home.
Or go deeper and learn more about your full sexual and life potential by having a face to face session with Annette and Graeme, who have a wide range of experience to support you, whether you are just beginning or have been journeying for years.
What is it that so many women want? More intimacy and spirituality, and orgasms!

We often hear from women of their desire for more intimacy in their sexual experiences. And to explore what they innately sense is a connection between their spirituality and sexuality.
Women and men typically get stuck where both of them feel like they are on opposite sides of the same coin.
Where woman wants more intimacy and love, and the man wants more sex. Ultimately they can become one and the same because through conscious sexuality we actually seek to bring the heart into sex.
Note that we are not talking about romance here but something much more.
Where sex is not just a physical experience but is also an intimate, emotional and feeling based experience that nurtures a woman’s (and a man’s) soul and the sexual energy is not just generated around the genitals but is felt throughout the whole body.
In this full body sexual experience, a woman’s heart connection to herself is essential, making love, and even spirituality- an expanded sense of who she is, an integral part of the sex.
And of course, experiencing some mind blowing orgasms along the way. We have been misled into thinking that the only way to have an orgasm is to “make” one happen mechanically.
This is a good beginning place, but it is only the beginning…and an individual Tantra Sessions for Women will support you in finding your next steps- you determine them, not us, you are in charge.
A simple approach: Start with yourself- Relax, feel the body, don’t focus on the orgasm
Concern about orgasm is common among women and this concern can greatly diminish the pleasure of the sexual experience. It turns sex into a chore, ‘to work up an orgasm’ rather than a surrendering to the love and pleasure that actually exists inside of her.
The first step we suggest is to get into your body, connecting with yourself through relaxing, breathing deeply and fully- in fact falling in love with your breath!, feeling the sensations in your body,connecting with your heart, giving yourself permission to open to pleasure, noticing and removing any barriers that are keeping your heart closed.

Sensational sex is about relaxing, trusting yourself, opening your heart to yourself and going into the sexual act with a focus on deep relaxation, breathing and feeling your heart, rather than getting to the end goal of generating an orgasm. Ironically this ultimately allows orgasms to show up bigger and better than ever! When a woman owns her own path to pleasure it significantly transforms a relationship, as well as the sexual experience. There are also many women for whom the goal of orgasm is crucial as they have not yet experienced one, if this is true for you we can assist you in this too.
“At 60 years of age I am just reaching my true potential as a woman and as a sexual being. My whole body is experiencing pure sexual pleasure and inner strength. The feeling in my open heart is just pure bliss. This has come about because of the work I have been doing with Annette and Graeme. Their integrity has encouraged me to really go deep into confronting my issues and has taken me to the very core of my existence. I always knew something wasn’t right. It looked on the outside as if everything was OK but deep down I was making myself sick to the point my body was shutting down. Through the sessions I have been able to recognise past hurts and to work through them. To recognise “what is mine” and “what is not” – to let go so I am not holding onto things that are not mine. To be able to open my heart with love and not shut down. As a result I am healthier and happier and through this work my marriage of 40 years to Allan just grows stronger and stronger, as we both work on our own journeys. In all my sessions I have felt safe honoured and respected. What Annette and Graeme have to offer is unique in the world.” Annette Vic
Annette and/or Graeme are both for counselling/coaching sessions available by phone or skype. Call 1800 TANTRA or email here to make an appointment.
Individual Tantra Sessions for Women usually last approximately 1-2 hours per session. Formats include 2, 3 or 4 way conversation – that is, with one or both of us, and with one or two of you.
So don’t stay uninformed or agonize over your situation, make life more pleasurable and meaningful by consulting with us today!
Or check out more about female sexuality