Cosmic Cobra Breath
The Cosmic Cobra Breath is an ancient tradition employed by Tantric yogis for thousands of years for the purpose of harnessing sexual energy to expand and elevate consciousness.
This powerful seven level technique must be learned from a master with due observation of precautions. The benefits of individual or partnered practice have the potential to promote positive influence in the broader lives of the practitioners.
Tradition and today
The teaching of the Cobra Breath is an oral lineage passed from teacher to teacher for thousands of years.
Learning the Cobra Breath….
We are regularly asked to teach the Cobra Breath via skype and what we have developed is a compromise practise that will create similar energy movements through your body.
This practise has been specifically developed for people to experience energy breathing techniques and still respecting the lineage and tradition of the Cosmic Cobra Breath.
This practise can also be easily learnt via skype with a minimum of effort yet still create a powerful experience for any one who chooses to learn. We teach the full level one Cobra Breath only in workshop space, ensuring thoroughness of learning.
For further information, please use our email link for any queries.
Call us TOLL FREE 1800 826 872, or email link
Our newly released book, “Coming Together” includes breathing practises for lovers and much more….
Learning the Cobra Breath is a powerful Tantric practise
that really supports and greatly enhances deeper pleasure connection…
The Cosmic Cobra Breath tradition is passed on by word of mouth and has never been fully written (even on Google). The reason for this is one of responsibility. Because of this oral tradition, the teacher must always meet the student in person, rather than it being freely available via the written word.
This tradition is strictly adhered to for reasons of safety in manipulating Kundalini energy. Kundalini energy is the most powerful energy in the body and accessing it needs to be respected. This ancient breath technique was long held secret because of its great power.
Traditionally, one had to live and study in an ashram with a guru for 12 years before this technique was taught. Today, in Western culture, we teach this method after a short period of study and personal contact. No compromises are made with safety or responsibility and our students’ results have been excellent.
We teach level one of this powerful practise during our 7 day couples Retreat, where there is time to learn and experience this tradition with your partner. Cobra Breath is a very powerful breathing technique for men during advanced Tantric Lovemaking practise, and we teach these skills for couples during our retreat. (There is no nudity or group sex activity, all practise is in the privacy of your own room)
Cosmic Cobra Breath Lineage
The lineage of Oztantra was passed to Annette and Graeme from Oceana and Icarus, creators of Oztantra, who received their teachings from Bodhi Avinasha, co-author of the book Jewel in the Lotus.
Bodhi received the teaching from Sunyata Sariswati who brought it to the West from a Brahman Ashram probably located somewhere in the Himalayan region of northern India. Sunyata was one of a half dozen Westerners who were admitted to this Ashram around the late 1970’s.
It is said that Sunyata spent 30 years traveling the globe researching Tantric traditions in different cultures. Paramahansa Yogananda, author of Autobiography of a Yogi, the first book to bring yogic teachings to the Western world, is also of the lineage.
The lineage goes back thousands of years originating with a spiritual master named Mahavatar Babaji. Babaji is also credited with being the originator of the chant ‘Om Namah Shivaya’, a very powerful and heart-opening mantra.
From this place in our lineage, we only teach this practise at workshops that have time and space for this powerful breathing practise.
Our couples retreat is the ideal place to learn the cobra breath, where daily instruction and practise allow you to learn, feel and connect with your own breathing energetic connection.
The Symbolism in Cosmic Cobra Breath
The Cobra snake is chosen as the symbol of the Cosmic Cobra Breath.
Kundalini energy has often been depicted in ancient drawings as a serpent coiled three and one half times at the base of the spine. Kundalini is Life Force, or Consciousness, and it is also sexual energy.
When sexual energy is aroused, the serpent may climb up the spine to the higher centres of the brain, expanding the consciousness. The cobra snake is chosen specifically because it flares its head before striking.
This act symbolizes the expansion of consciousness. A corollary of this symbolism is found in traditional depictions of the Hindu God Shiva.
He is always shown with a Cobra snake wound around his body, usually around his neck, but sometimes around his arm or waist. He and his followers, the wandering Saddhus in India, often carry a trident or three-pronged spear.
The three blades represent the male, the female and Divine union, which relates to the circuit of breathing used in the Cobra Breath.
Seven Levels
There are seven levels (or styles) of the Cobra Breath. Teachers teach the first four levels. The other three must be intuited by the student and confirmed by teachers of the lineage.
What is Cobra Breath all about?
Harnessing sexual energy- When sexual energy moves upward it enlightens you. In normal sex the energy flows downward to drain you. Cobra Breath reverses the flow of sexual energy to turn it into your most valuable resource. Kundalini energy can rejuvenate the body, empower the mind and awaken the soul.
Shakti – life force energy
The Breath pulls Shakti (magnetic) energy into the spine, changing the electro-magnetic properties of the cerebro-spinal fluid, allowing Kundalini to move up the spine.
As the brain is bathed in this
magnetised fluid, the nervous system is transformed. You awaken to a new consciousness.
The first level Cobra Breath can be used solely as a meditation practice. However, only Level One is used in lovemaking as well.
It is a safe, secure, comfortable, easy and reliable method of postponing an orgasm or ejaculation that allows one to remain totally present. Thus, you can become the master of your sexuality instead of the slave you have been to it all your life.
This technique, combined with other Tantric practices, will improve the quality of your sex and intimacy for the rest of your days (and nights).
Orgasm with or without Ejaculation
We say ‘orgasm or ejaculation’ because once this technique is mastered it is one of the ways a man can have an orgasm without having an ejaculation, or he can have an ejaculation without having an orgasm. This effectively eliminates the problem of premature ejaculation.
It magically allows men and women to have their bodies, minds, and spirits in the same place at the same time. When you are totally present, have your hearts open, and dissolve your egos, you will go to a Divine place.
Most of us have been there for a few moments sometime in our life, and we all want to go back. For women, it can lead to becoming multi-orgasmic. For both sexes it allows one to postpone orgasm and to build the energy higher and higher.
Bliss and Enlightenment
Eventually, one can lapse over into the state of what has been called Satori, Samadhi, Bliss or even Enlightenment. By riding this ‘Wave of Bliss’, you can achieve a state where the mind, body, and spirit remain in an orgasmic state of being for significant periods of time (10-20 minutes, an hour,
8-12 hours or more). Even though the benefit of postponing orgasm is a fabulous ‘side effect’ or ‘by-product’ of the Cobra Breath, the main purpose of the Cobra Breath is to transmute the Kundalini, or sexual energy to higher consciousness.
That is one reason Tantra is considered to be the fast path to spiritual progress. We believe that if more people are able to raise their consciousness to a higher plane, it will improve the quality of life on this planet.
This technique will enable you to bring back into your life the realization and insights gained while in a higher consciousness state. Integrating these insights into daily life can make the world a better place.
- If you have high blood pressure and it is not under control by medication, consult a Doctor before practicing.
- If you have a headache, practicing the Cobra Breath will make it worse.
- If you are menstruating it may increase the flow of blood. You may practice lightly, accept the possible consequences, or choose not to practice at this time.
Note: The above warnings are due to the fact that long holding of large breaths may slightly increase the blood pressure. - Do not mix the Cobra Breath with other mind-altering substances such as over the legal limits for alcohol, marijuana, etc. In other words, avoid Cobra Breath cocktails.
- Use common sense. If you experience any unpleasant or discomforting side effects, discontinue the practice.
- If you are getting too “spaced out” to operate a motor vehicle or function in your life, back off, or choose an appropriate time to practice. Eating always helps to ground.
- Ideally, one should have a long, slow inhale, a long holding of the breath, and a long, slow exhale. This can be practiced to a count of seven for each of the parts. Shallow, rapid breathing, which is common in our stressful society, puts the body in the constant state of alert of the fight-or-flight response. Many health benefits will derive from having a slow, measured breath.
Individual Practice: How to Learn for Yourself
Breath is is a crucial part of life, and if you want to learn more and develop your own practise, contact us for a skype or face to face session.
We can support you in learning more about your breathing, and learning more is a simple as contacting us by :
Call us TOLL FREE 1800 826 872, or email link
or use the skype connect icon in the upper right side menu bar
Meditation: To set up the breath circuit in your body, we recommend practicing 21 Cobra Breaths each day. You can make this part or all of, your individual meditation practice.
You may wish to divide this into three groups of seven Cobra Breaths, or any sequence you choose.
An amazingly powerful circuit of energy may be set up in your body if it is practiced daily for three months.
Fire Breath Orgasm and Cobra Breath
Use of The Fire Breath Orgasm, in conjunction with the Cobra Breath, will accelerate removal of blocks preventing the flow of your life force energy through the Chakra energy centres (Inner Flute).
The longer you maintain your practice, the more powerful it will become, for example 3 breaths in year 3 may be as powerful as fourteen breaths in year one.
The Inner Flute
The knowledge of opening up this Inner Flute (the channel through the chakras) will be retained by the body no matter how long one may discontinue the practice.
It is like learning how to ride a pushbike; the body/mind knows how to do it and never forgets.
Wonderful experiences and excellent practice can occur when using the Cobra Breath in self-pleasuring.
As you self-pleasure, when you feel the glow of an orgasmic rush approaching, take 1-3 Cobra Breaths. The urgency for the orgasm will dissipate and you can go back to self-pleasuring.
Repeat this process as many times as you like before having an orgasm. You will be acquiring valuable skills for use in lovemaking with a partner.
Specifically, you will learn very well how to go to the brink of orgasm and postpone it, and how to transmute your sexual energy.
Couples practice during lovemaking
Always let your partner know if you are going to take a Cobra breath or two, especially if you are new to it, or are in a new relationship.
We recommend trying to take the Cobra Breath together. You want to be going to the same place together. It doesn’t matter who is on the brink of orgasm, you
will both have the same results because in lovemaking both parties are encased in the ‘Auric Egg’, seen in Tantric illustrations.
Your auras and energy are totally intertwined and connected. At first, you might try taking about 14 Cobra Breaths during the whole of the love making time, always taking the breath together.
Incorporate the Tantric Kiss (touching the Third Eyes together), when you can. Eyes may be open or closed.
Heterosexual couples follow the woman’s breathing cycle, so both stay within their comfort zone. You may take 1 to 3 breaths after the brink of an orgasm.
Later, when you are resting in lovemaking, you may wish to take a few more Cobra Breaths together just to get higher or to feel closer in a sweet meditation.
The Cobra Breath, amongst many other energy movement techniques, including the Fire Breath Orgasm, is taught in many of our workshops and retreats.
Bandhas: The Energy Locks
The human body has three natural locks that control the movement of pranic energy, two of which are worth mentioning here that you might like to try:
Chin Lock
- Sit in the easy pose (lotus style), knees touching the floor, if possible, with palms on the knees. Relax and close your eyes. Keep your attention on the throat chakra.
- Inhale deeply and hold the breath. Move the head back and drop your chin a little. Hold as long as is comfortable.
- Raise the head, relax the body and exhale. (Don’t exhale before you release the chin lock or you could hurt yourself).
- Repeat, after the breath has returned to normal, up to 10 repetitions. This is a valuable preparation for meditation as it slows the heart rate, calms the mind and relieves stress. It also massages and stimulates the thyroid which affects many functions of the body, including sexual functions. This is another way to work with the throat chakra, if communication is a problem for you.
- CAUTION: Anyone subject to strokes, high blood pressure or heart problems should not do this practice.
Root Lock
- Sit in an easy pose, ideally with your perineum or clitoris pressing on your heel, palms upon thighs. Move your attention to the base centre.
- Inhale deeply. Perform the chin lock.
- Contract the Pubococcygeus Muscle (PC), the one you use to stop the flow of urine. Press down and forward on the floor until you feel a twitch in the vagina or a pull in the testicles. Use a moderate squeeze held for as long as is comfortable.
- Release the contraction and chin lock, take a sniff of air, and exhale. Feel sexual energy rising from the base centre to the brain (or to the heart).